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Learn with the Expert with Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy

About This Webinar

In any school, just as in air travel, four forces work to affect our progress: lift, the tools we select to meet student needs; thrust, the energy and enthusiasm we put into improving our practice; weight, the raw materials we have to work with—socioeconomics, budget constraints, student readiness; and drag, the resistance to change from colleagues, students, and parents. We come together at events and conferences to improve our lift by discovering new technologies and practices. But our excitement can be dampened when we meet the forces of weight and drag that await us in our schools. What's missing is thrust: We know what it's going to take to improve our schools, but we have to get better at convincing other stakeholders to get on board. Lessons from change management theory and advice from teachers who have been there will give us the tools we need to encourage our colleagues, get buy-in from students and parents, and make our schools truly exceptional.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder of Cult of Pedagogy
National Board Certified Teacher, author, and Editor-in-Chief at Cult of Pedagogy, Jennifer
Gonzalez blends her broad pedagogical and technical knowledge, down-to-earth honesty,
and sense of humor to deliver inspiring keynotes and practical lectures and workshops.
In her everyday work, Jennifer digs into the topics most teachers don’t have enough time to
study deeply on their own: teaching methodology, classroom management, learning theory,
and educational technology. Then she extracts the most valuable information from it all and
shares it with teachers so they can run with it
Webinar hosting presenter
Professional Development and Training Specialist @ Seesaw
Webinar hosting presenter Seesaw
Keeps everyone in the learning loop
Hosted By
Attended (188)