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Learn with the Expert: Building from Digital Citizenship to Digital Leadership with Julia Moskowitz

About This Webinar

Join Seesaw's Julia Moskowitz to learn how to support your students in going from digital citizens to digital leaders! Julia will share how teachers can help students build a digital leadership mindset to engage in the digital world responsibly.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Curriculum Project Manager @ Seesaw
Julia Moskowitz is an innovative educator, leader, and Curriculum Project Manager at Seesaw Learning, where she draws upon her background in cybersecurity, computer science, culturally responsive education, and expertise in digital citizenship to create engaging multimodal learning experiences for students. Previously, Julia was a bilingual classroom teacher and K-5 Science and Integrated Technology Instructional Coach in Denver Public Schools. Her passion as an educator lies in cultivating ways to empower the next generation of digital leaders to use technology for positive change. Julia resides in Denver and is an avid hiker and reader.
Webinar hosting presenter
Training and Professional Development Specialist @ Seesaw
Mia Leonard taught Kindergarten in the Chicago Public Schools for 10 years. Mia is a Google Certified Innovator, PBS Digital Innovator, and Seesaw Certified Educator. In the classroom, Mia explored innovative methods to transform teaching and learning and empower her students daily. Mia currently works at Seesaw Learning as a Professional Development and Training Specialist. Mia is the author of Building Blocks for Tiny Techies: A Teacher's Guide to Digital Learning in Primary Classrooms. She also speaks regularly on how to amplify the voices of our littlest learners through technology at conferences and events across the country.
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